London Part 1

London could be my favourite city in the UK, since it has many places to visit related to my fancy 😜 I commuted in one day and went back again to Coventry. Everything is lovely here except the traffic which is pretty rubbish. I will definitely have a visit again since I need more time to stroll around London!

London Eye
Big Ben and its Parliament Square
Buckingham Palace 
Tower Bridge
Tower of London
What Sherlock Pub can offer
The Sherlock Holmes Pub
Visit Indonesia at London
London Underground (Tube) Station
Victoria Memorial 

British Red Box
Sherlock Holmes Statue near Baker Street Station
Trafalgar Square
St James's Park
Sherlock Holmes Museum!

How to Get Scholarships Abroad

Beasiswa ke luar negri. Hmm siapa sih yang gak mau? Tapi gimana ya caranya? Harus mulai dari mana? Tentu saja semua awalnya dari NIAT. Apakah keinginanmu sudah kuat untuk berjuang mendapatkan beasiswa? Kalau belum, sebaiknya urungkan niat kamu karena percayalah, banyak air mata dan keringat yang akan terkuras #tsahhh tapi kalo tekad sudah bulat, pasti bisa kok dapat 😍

Jadi gimana? Awalnya pastinya tentukan dulu ilmu yang akan ditekuni dan dipelajari. Setelah itu, cari tahu universitas mana yang bagus sesuai dengan ilmu yang kamu mau pelajari itu. Kalau kamu cuma mau kuliah di negara tertentu aja (kayak saya contohnya hehe) bisa dipersempit lagi cakupan universitas yang mau dituju. Jangan lupa untuk cek akreditas universitas yang di tuju, bisa di QS atau THE. Tapi jika keinginan kamu cuma mau kuliah di luar negri tanpa harus memperhatikan kredibilitasnya juga gak papa sih (tapi sayang kan?) namun untuk beasiswa LPDP biasanya mereka cuma mau terima universitas dari peringkat top 500 worldwide (dalam dan luar negri) aja. 

Sebelum apply beasiswa, jangan lupa persiapan dasar untuk syarat aplikasi dan juga universitasnya. Biasanya hampir semua beasiswa membutuhkan LoA (Letter of Acceptance) atau Offering Letter dari universitas yang dituju, baru bisa mendaftar untuk beasiswa tersebut. Untuk mendapatkan LoA, dokumen yang harus dipersiapkan biasanya adalah IELTS (bisa baca post saya di sini), Transkip dan Ijasah (Bahasa Inggris), Motivation Letter, Reference Letter (biasanya 2), dan dokumen tambahan lain yang berbeda-beda kebutuhannya untuk tiap institusi.

Banyak sekali beasiswa yang ditawarkan dari berbagai macam negara dan institusi. Biasanya tiap beasiswa pemerintahan membebaskan jurusan yang akan diambil, namun masih dalam area yang ditentukan oleh pemberi beasiswa, karena tentunya tiap negara memiliki spesialisasi ilmu yang berbeda-beda pula. Contoh beasiswa pemerintah ini yaitu: Chevening - UK, Stuned - Belanda, AAS - Ausaid, Monbukagakusho - Jepang, DAAD - Jerman, dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya. Ada pula beasiswa yang dinaungi oleh organisasi yang tidak terpaku untuk satu negara saja contohnya: ADB, LPDP, dll. Selain itu beberapa kementerian juga memiliki sejumlah beasiswa bergengsi(terbatas jurusan tertentu sesuai institusi penyelenggara) seperti Kemenkominfo, Bappenas, dan juga PU. Jangan lupa untuk selalu cek deadline beasiswa yangg akan dituju, ya!

Jika sudah memiliki bayangan akan mendaftar kemana, daftar dan tunggu hasilnya. Biasanya seleksi beasiswa memiliki beberapa tahapan yang sangat merepotkan dan sangat menguras tenaga. Kalau belum beruntung diterima, bisa coba lagi untuk tahun selanjutnya. Beasiswa biasanya selalu ada tiap tahunnya jadi jangan menyerah dulu ya. Banyak sekali tulisan-tulisan mengenai pengalaman mendapatkan beasiswa di blog-blog beasiswa. Nggak sedikit yang udah berkali-kali bahkan hingga belasan kali ditolak namun pada akhirnya diterima. 

Mendapatkan beasiswa ini bukan hanya berdasarkan faktor "pintar" saja, namun memerlukan kegigihan, mental baja, dan juga faktor keberuntungan. Memang kadang ada kalanya saat-saat ingin menyerah, itu normal dan kalau sudah di titik jenuh tidak apa-apa untuk berhenti. Tapi, jika tak dicoba tak akan tahu kan? 😉 Jika ada yang ingin tanya-tanya seputar beasiswa, boleh langsung email saya ke

A small city called Coventry

Hi there. It's been a tough month for me. Yes I'm moving to a small city named Coventry. I am now currently studying at University of Warwick, UK. This moving is such a huge adaptation for me. Culture, habit, and this also changed how I see things through many perspective. Since I am now a permanent resident in the UK, I must be more tolerant, accepting, and of course work harder as I am here funded by the government not just to studying, but also to have the responsibility to advance my skills and knowledge in term of giving the best I can to my country.
Coventry City Center
Earlsdon Area
Spencer Park
Coventry Cathedral
Well, Coventry has nothing to offer but its most reputable University, Warwick Uni. Warwick is a top 10 UK university (and 50 worldwide) both by QS and Times Higher Education. Other than Warwick, Coventry has also its own Uni, Coventry University. Coventry is a small and quiet city, a nice place to study, and of course not very far from UK's capital, London. Coventry has its own airport, but the nearest International airport is Birmingham International Airport.

Birmingham Intl Airport
Coventry Railway Station
The nearest area to have fun in Coventry is Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. It is famous for its pub and bars. Many Warwick students choose to stay there, as British lifestyle I know is Work hard, Party Hard. There is also Warwick Castle (in Warwick town of course) near Leamington Spa. I haven't been there yet, but I guess it's not a bad idea to visit the castle some other time.

Warwick Uni Bus Stop
Student Union at Warwick
University of Warwick

How to Get High Score on IELTS

Halooo... Rasanya udah lama ya gak nge-blog. Kali ini saya mau nulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Kenapa? Karena info yang mau saya sampaikan di sini mungkin hanya bisa bermanfaat untuk orang Indonesia aja, hehehe.. Tadinya saya mau nulis tentang bagaimana cara mendapatkan Beasiswa ke luar negeri, tapi rasanya saya perlu nulis tahap pertamanya dulu kali yaa sebelum hunting berbagai macam beasiswa.

IELTS. International English Language Testing System. Hampir semua negara memerlukan IELTS untuk syarat masuk diterima di Universitas Internasional. Terlebih lagi untuk negara Commonwealth atau English-Speaking country. Kisaran nilainya juga macam-macam. Standarnya sih 6.5 tapi untuk beberapa course banyak yang meminta lebih karena kebutuhan di tiap Universitas dan Jurusan berbeda-beda.

Pertama kali saya tes pada akhir tahun 2012 di IDP Pondok Indah, saya mendapat nilai 6.5 yang menurut saya sendiri masih kurang karena belum maksimal belajar hehehe. Dari pengalaman pertama saya tes, dapat disimpulkan kalau IELTS ini unik, karena berbeda dengan paper-based TOEFL yang biasa orang-orang Indonesia ikuti. IELTS ini meliputi Listening, Reading, Writing dan juga Speaking dan menurut saya penilaiannya objektif sekali karena mencakup semua aspek yang diperlukan dalam lingkup akademis. Oh iya, kalau tujuannya untuk sekolah, fokusnya adalah Academic IELTS ya, bukan yang General. 

Soal-soal IELTS juga gak seperti TOEFL yang polanya sering berulang. IELTS cenderung lebih bervariasi, sehingga kemampuan basic bahasa inggris kita benar-benar terlihat. Kalau kamu merasa memiliki bahasa inggris yang pas-pasan, saya menyarankan untuk memperdalam basic bahasa inggris kamu dahulu. Bisa dengan mengikuti les bahasa, sering-sering nonton serial TV dengan subtitle English, dengerin lagu-lagu bahasa inggris, baca novel atau yang lainnya yang kamu suka. Kalau kamu merasa sudah cukup, bisa dicoba untuk ambil try-out IELTS (biasanya SUN Education sering ngadain) dan diukur lagi apakah nilainya udah cukup untuk masuk Universitas yang kamu tuju? Kalau belum, kamu bisa ambil kursus IELTS atau juga beli buku panduannya dan belajar sendiri. Percaya deh, kalo ada kemauan yang kuat, pasti bisa kok dapet nilai yang diinginkan. Tapi tetep usaha yaaa heheh...

Jadi setelah saya tes pada November 2012, saya coba apply beberapa beasiswa ke beberapa negara yang saya tuju (UK, Australia dan NZ). Oh iya, IELTS ini berlakunya hanya 2 tahun, jadi saya waktu itu usaha agar dalam 2 tahun ini bisa lolos beasiswa. Apa dikata nasib berkata lain, saya belum beruntung. Tadinya saya udah pasrah mau ikut beasiswa dalam negri (ITB), tapi saya masih yakin peluang ada. Setelah IELTS saya expired (Akhir 2014), saya apply beasiswa Double Degree UGM-UK dan Alhamdulillah diterima dan mulai kuliah pertengahan 2015. Jadi skemanya sama-sama kuliah full-time di UGM dan di UK tapi karena S2 di Indonesia butuh 2 tahun, jadi kuliah saya selama di UGM bisa dibilang padet-sepadetnya karena harus selesai semua modul standar 2 tahun (kecuali tesis) dalam jangka 1 tahun. Di UK pun memang standar kuliah full-timenya 1 tahun, jadi saya di sana menjalani kuliah biasa dari nol lagi.

Contoh Hasil IELTS Online
Back to IELTS, jadi awal tahun 2016 saya ikut IELTS lagi karena yang lama ya pastinya sudah hangus masa berlakunya haha dan Alhamdulillah saya dapat score 7. Gimana caranya bisa dapet overall 7? Jadi selama 2 tahun dulu saya cari beasiswa, saya terlatih untuk menulis essay dan motivation letter untuk apply berbagai macam beasiswa yang berbeda-beda. Jadi kemampuan writing saya bisa dibilang terbantu dengan adanya proses hunting beasiswa hehe. Kemudian saya juga makin hobi baca novel, dalam bahasa inggris tentunya dan juga nonton serial TV dari BBC. Ditambah setahun saya di UGM, saya masuk di kelas internasional sehingga sehari-hari terbiasa menggunakan bahasa inggris baik presentasi, tugas, ujian, maupun komunikasi.

Intinya adalah asah terus kemampuan bahasa inggrismu, dan jangan pernah takut untuk mencoba. Semuanya berawal dari mimpi, kan?

Lombok Getaway

During me and hubby's summer break, we intended to go on a holiday. When hubby's term of scholarship ends next year, he'll be busy again as ever and it will be difficult for us to manage a holiday afterwards.
Tanjung Aan Beach
Playing on the pool in the Villa
We decided to go to Lombok. Why? Actually because my daughter and I love beaches hehehe. She always requested to go to the beach after I took her to Parangtritis. Otherwise, I've never been to Lombok and I'm looking for a quiet place to stay and relax. Furthermore, it is a birthday trip for me as a 30th birthday present muehehe. 

Relaxing on the Villa
While people tend to go to Gili Islands or Senggigi, we prefer going a bit east. We went to Tanjung Aan beach and found a cozy Villa there (Lakuen in Lombok) where everybody's wondering why there be Indonesians taking holidays here lol. There is one proper resto near the villa and it is really affordable yet tasty. It is located in Gerupuk area, a much quieter area where paradise is right in front of you. Another reason is also because it is really inconvenient to bring a child to do island-hoping in Gili Islands. There are lots of dogs in Lombok area but don't worry, they are not as savage as guard dogs or hounds.

Well, talking about the beach, Tanjung Aan is divided into two sections. One is filled with powder-like sands, Lombok signature swing, and also corals, while the other part is a complete beautiful beach with clear sea water with no corals so it's safe for children to play. The beach itself is really quiet. When we got there at 9 am, there were only 3 of us. Once it was 12 pm, there were 2 other groups coming. Luckily, this hidden treasure is much nearer to the airport compared to Senggigi or Gili area. So the child's tantrum can be less diminished.
Not so picture perfect

Kraton Ratu Boko

The Gate of Ratu Boko
Ratu Boko Palace is an ancient castle, which was used a very long time ago during Rara Jonggrang era, near Prambanan Area. It takes approx 1 hour from the center of Jogja to get there. It is located around 3km in the south of Prambanan temples. Although it is now only ruins that are left there, that magical yet mystical atmosphere still exists. The place is full of cultural ambiance, yet the view is really stunning if you want to catch sunset from above. Ratu Boko is placed in the highland area, so the weather is not too hot compared to Prambanan temples.

The Ruins
This site is a compound of complex area. The area is so wide which consists of Paseban, Pool, Pendopo, that has its own function in the previous era. Ratu Boko is already registered as well in the UNESCO Heritage Site as one of the world's legacies. You must prepare your walking shoes since you will walk a lot and going through many slippery stones. After a long walk, you can visit one of the huts there to get some snacks or just drink a glass of a fresh coconut water.

Pool Area
Top of The Castle
For a cultural place hunter like me, or if you just love ancient architecture or if you just seek for sunset, this place is very worth visit. The ticket price is IDR 25k or IDR 50k if you take a tour of Ratu Boko-Prambanan Package. Just come and feel the magically wonderful site here.
My sister & I
Visiting Prambanan

Parangtritis Beach

Actually I've visited Parangtritis for several times when I was young during my study trip to Central Java in Junior and High School. This time, I went to Parangtritis just to introduce shore landscape and play along with my daughter and family. Parangtritis is not too far from the center city of Jogja. It is located in Gunung Kidul, as any other beaches in Jogja. Although there are a lot of stunning beaches along sourthern sea of Jogjakarta, Parangritis is still the best option for family vacay.

My daughter was really happy yet exciting during our time in Parangtritis. We also took Bendi (a horse-carriage) to go around Parangtritis. She felt very ecstatic. Actually she also wanted to ride a motorcycle which is rented in the area, but I don't think that one is appropriate for her age. After cleaning ourselves, we had lunch in Waroeng Pohon, a family resto that is affordable and family-friendly as well.

It was her remarkable experience. She kept asking to go to the beach after that. Yeah, probably not in immediate time dear, since your mom will start her final exam in a few weeks lol.

Kedung Pedut Waterfall

It was a long-weekend term and my sister came to visit me in Jogja. She wanted to explore the nature of Jogja here, while my other two friends also wanted to swim in fresh water in Kulon Progo. We finally decided to go to Kedung Pedut Waterfall, after looking for several suggestions of waterfalls surround Jogjakarta.

As you might already know, the path to go to Kulon Progo is quite steep. In the middle of our journey, we accidentally bumped into sugar cane crop, which is so beautiful. Therefore we stopped by and took some fresh air for a while. It doesn't take a long time to go to Kedung Pedut, since we previously thought there would be a massive congestion due to long weekend holiday.

From where we parked in Kedung Pedut, we need to go through a long and tiring walk to get to the destination. Once you arrive at the waterfall, you'll be tempted to soak in the pool area and feel the fresh water coming from the waterfall. For those who want to test their adrenaline, there are several water sports such as waterfall hiking and flying fox. There is also a pool specialized for those who love to jump from the height to the water.

One thing I admire about this place is the officials are working professionally, yet they also provide garbage can in every 50m. Besides its natural beauty, Kedung Pedut Waterfall also provides convenient and refreshing feeling except some toilets that stink.

Ullen Sentalu Museum

Ullen Sentalu entrance
Another visit to one of the outstanding places in Yogyakarta. This time I went to Ullen Sentalu museum. Actually it's been a long time I've heard about this place. I accidentally won 2 tickets to Ullen Sentalu, therefore I can take my husband there (since we no longer had a date after moving here). This museum is located in Kaliurang highland, near Merapi mt, so it is not too far from our home. If you are a domestic visitor, the ticket price is 30000 IDR or 50000 IDR for an international tourist. By the time you get there, you will be assisted by the museum curator.

Museum Exterior
The museum tour approximately lasts for 1 hour. There are three main areas on this place. Basically, you will be explained about the root of Royal Javanese Empire, Mataram Islam, and how they split into Jogjakarta and Solo Royal Empire and so on. This museum is perfect for those who love royal tradition and cultures. The interior is also very rich in Javanese atmosphere. You'll be amazed by how they maintain this museum so beautifully organized. Pictures cannot be taken within the museum as well, that's why you can only see yourself by coming to this place. One thing that amazes me more, they don't accept tips, since it's already part of the ticket price they said. Ullen Sentalu is definitely a private museum with high professionalism. No wonder it is always considered as the best museum in Indonesia.

the ultimate place for taking pictures
If you wanna get some ethnic goods, this museum offers souvenir outlet named MUSE that sells many items with good quality at affordable price. I bought ethnic wall decoration for my friend's wedding (since i cannot fly to Jakarta on that day). In case you are hungry, a nice decorated restaurant is also available. Trust me, this place is a must visit if you plan to go to Yogyakarta. A romantic yet knowledgeable destination. Put it on your bucket-list for sure :D
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