Nutriganics Drops of Youth

About 2 months ago, I started using The Body Shop new range product, Nutriganics Drops of Youth. At first I didn't know what this product is for. Later I found out that this DOY product can improve skin's elasticity. I was attracted to try and my first try was the 1,5 ml sample. It can last for 3 up to 5 days usage. The information on the free sample says that this product stimulates new skin cells so it can help my vitamin C microdermabrasion routine every week.

After approximately one month usage, I can feel my skin fresher and more elastic. Actually I don't know what this product has done to my skin, but later I feel my skin smoother and it gives soft texture as well. Since my skin is kinda oily, this product is not sticky at all, suitable for my skin without making it oilier. That's the most important thing :p. I usually put this serum before putting make up base, and once at night. The applicator also makes it easier to use. This product is a bit pricey but it's worth every penny. Plus, it's all natural ingredients so I have no worries on using it. Based on my usage experience, Nutriganics DOY is a product which best to prevent any skin problem before worse thing happens, cause i feel my skin keeps renewing itself each day :D


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